Corporate identity design
Nordstjernan is a family-controlled investment company whose business concept is to develop companies through active ownership and create long-term value growth through an increase in net asset value. Nordstjernan currently has shareholdings in some 20 listed and unlisted companies with head offices in the Nordic region. In total, Nordstjernan’s holdings generate sales in excess of SEK 100 billion and have approximately 60 000 employees. Nordstjernan’s largest owner is the Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation for Public Benefit.
Neobrand was commissioned to redesign the corporate identity design (but keep existing logotype) to better represent the company today. A new website was developed by More. The assignment was made in close collaboration with the strategic communications consultancy Kreab.
The visual concept is inspired by Nordstjernan’s long history, starting in the shipping and steel industry in the late 19th century.